I just I received a Stylish Blogger Award from a wonderful lady! Thanks Yvonne, you ROCK! Head on over to Yvonne's blog at onecreativemomma.blogspot.com and check out all of her posts! She is so talented!

The requirements for receiving the award are as follows:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
3. Give the award to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.
1) I love, love, love to visit everyones blogs!
2) I absolutely enjoy reading every comment I get!
3) I love Chinese Food!
4) I love my family.
5) My craft studio is my "HAPPY PLACE"!
6) I'm a MIDNIGHT scrapaholic!
7) I frequently get visits from the SCRAPMESSMONSTER!!
8) I'm addicted to watching movies!
And here are the 8 blogs that I have recently discovered:
(Please visit these ladies blogs and show them some love by leaving comments on their posts)!
We all LOVE comments!
1) Court ~ http://courtscrafts.blogspot.com(Please visit these ladies blogs and show them some love by leaving comments on their posts)!
We all LOVE comments!
2) Kerry ~ http://www.kerryspapercrafts.com
3) Melanie ~ http://courtney-lane.blogspot.com
4) Jamielynn ~http://iheartnaptime.blogspot.com
5) Laurie ~http://hidinginmycraftroom.com
6) Michelle ~ http://scrappinwithmybug.blogspot.com
7) Scrappy Moms Stamps ~ http://scrappymoms-stamps.blogspot.com
8) Jennifer ~ http://jennifermcguireink.typepad.com
Thanks again Yvonne!
Thanks for stopping by!
Bug Hugs!