Oh my goodness!! I have had a CRAZZZZY day today. I am just getting around to posting my "Cart A Week Giveaway"! I'm so sorry it took me this long, but I have been in the middle of a great CATASTROPHE! You may ask, "What kind of a CATASTROPHY??????"! Well......... my scraproom looks like it was BOMBED by the ScrapMessMonster!!!!..... :-) I can't get my MOJO ON with my room looking like this!! So, I have been cleaning and organizing and cleaning and organizing and....need I say more!! Can you believe it got this bad!
I'm buried alive here.....:-)
Can anyone find me!!! I will post my after pictures when I'm done!Now on to the more important stuff!!!!
This weeks giveaway will be........

I love this cart...Ohh, I love 'em all :-)
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post tell me what your favorite meal is! If you like my blog you can subscribe so that you can get my posts in you email as soon as I post them! I will post the winner Friday, January 14th. Tell all your friends. Thanks for stopping by!
Bug Hugs!